The Happening Experience
Happening is a youth-led weekend of renewal and affirmation where participants delve into thought-provoking questions about life, faith and spirituality with their peers in a small group setting with plenty of play and chill time. As the weekend unfolds, we discover what connection and community can look like when we let go of the world’s expectations and allow God’s unconditional love to change, well, everything.
Happening #184
April 25-27, 2025 | Camp Allen, 18800 FM 362, Navasota, TX 77868
Happening & Lock In Registration Happening & Lock In Staff Application Senior Leadership Application for Happening #185Cost for Happening weekend is $75 per person. Scholarships available upon request.
Sleeping bag
Towels, soap, toothbrush, etc.
Comfortable clothes
Guitar (or other musical instrument)
Mask (optional)
Open mind
Drugs, alcohol
Tobacco of all kinds, including chewing tobacco
Cell phones or other electronics
Radios, watches, etc.
Knives or guns
During the weekend, your teenager will be receiving many notes, cards, and letters of affirmation, love, and care from the Happening Community. These letters are called Caritas, and we encourage you to write to your child as well. Please bring them to Camp Allen with you when you drop your child off, but please do NOT mail them to Camp Allen. Because they are a surprise for the participants, put them in a large plain envelope marked “Rector.” Please label each letter inside with your child’s name on the outside so that we can distribute the letters to your child! You may include as many as you wish-from parents, close friends, etc. Small gifts are appropriate, but not necessary (i.e., book marks, cross-in-my-pocket) and must be small enough to fit into a paper lunch sack. We give out Caritas twice: once on Saturday and once on Sunday, so if you have a preference, you may mark the individual envelopes “first” and “second.” This is a wonderful time to tell your child how much you love them and how proud you are of them.
The last activity of the Happening weekend is the closing Eucharist at 3:30 p.m. This Eucharist is special for the Happeners and their families and friends. You are invited to join the Eucharist with us! The Happeners have no idea that you will attend the service, and the expression on their faces when they see you walk in is priceless. If you decide to attend, please come about 20 minutes early and congregate in the area to where you will be directed. When the Happeners have been seated in the “Church Area” and are ready, we will enter singing. It is a real blessing to see the Happeners’ faces when they see their families and friends. Whether you are able to attend or not, the closing Eucharist ends around 4:30 p.m. People then load up cars and head home. Since everyone attending lives in a different part of the Diocese, it isn’t possible to give you the exact time when you can expect your teenager to arrive home. However, the schedule for the Closing should help you to calculate an arrival time. Take into account a stop for dinner and the number of people to be dropped off back home. You might wish to discuss with your teenager his/her arrival time. Be assured that we will make every attempt to get them on their way home as soon as possible.
If your child us unable to attend, please contact email Peggy Bland as soon as possible
Camp Allen: (18800 FM 362 Navasota, TX, 77868) at Campsite #3
7 p.m. We will not begin until everyone has arrived so please be prompt. However, we will not be ready for your arrival until 7:00 p.m., so please do not arrive before then.
Please eat before arriving at Camp Allen. Dinner will not be served Friday night.
Cost for Happening weekend is $75 per person. Scholarships available upon request.
In event of cancellation, refund request should be made by email to
Steering Committee
Happening utilizes a wonderful group of volunteers that comprise the steering committee. The steering committee helps coordinate the four Happening weekends that occur each year.
Peggy Bland, Director
Judy Bettencourt, Registrar
Jason Ingalls, Spiritual Director
Mike Ruke, Music Coordinator
Supplies Coordinator – Open
Lock-In Coordinators
Alex Hillis
Davis Mathis
Bonnie Walton
Elizabeth Yount
Student Members
Aubri Cunningham
William Grace
Ella Gulledge
Gustavo Santacruz
Elle Smith