Roger Olier, a parishioner at St. John’s, Columbus, was inspired by the Small Church Network training he attended in March and April this year. He heard stories of what other churches were doing and thought, “They are smaller and have less resources than we do. I wonder what we could do.”
Communion and Meal for Senior Community at Oak Bluff Apartments is a missional community that just recently restarted and transformed due to its closure during the pandemic and loss of several leaders. Before the pandemic, they provided community lunch for up to 120 people each week.
Through established relationships with suppliers that provided lunches at St. John’s, they used previously donated food items for a community pantry at the Oak Bluff Apartments. Oak Bluff is an apartment complex for seniors in Columbus. That relationship grew until the apartment manager asked if they could provide lunch, serve it to the residents, along with bringing a Communion Service. They have been back in in action for two months now, and noticed something interesting in the resurrection of this missional community that has taken on a new form. Leaders have noticed that most people who attend used to come to the community lunches at the church prior to the pandemic. Now, this missional community takes it to them!
Olier then thought about what his church could do with their resources. The name, Women and Jesus – A Bible Study for Women, came to him first. Soon enough, five women have come to help him, and they are all getting trained in Safeguarding because childcare is always offered. This new missional community will start September 20, and will take place at St. John’s. They will meet twice a month from 6:30-8pm. A meal is provided as well as a small glass of wine, or other beverage of choice.
Roger, a lay parishioner, was just accepted into Iona School for the lay preaching track.