Clergy Family Retreat
This retreat at Camp Allen spans two weekday nights between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. It is open to all active (nonretired) clergy and their families, with an emphasis on activities are geared toward clergy families with young children. The only agenda is fellowship and fun. The retreat is offered at no cost, but space is limited, so clergy families are encouraged to respond quickly when the retreat is announced in the Out of the Ordinary. This retreat is overseen by the Wellness and Care Team. Contact Danielle Tatro for more information.
Clergy Spouse Retreat
Each spring, spouses of active clergy are given the opportunity to build community at an annual retreat at Camp Allen. Watch for announcements and the invitation. For more information, contact Julie Pare.
Retreat for Retired Clergy and Spouses and Surviving Clergy Spouses
This retreat offers fellowship and as well as CEU credits for retired clergy who still serve in the diocese. It is overseen by Bishop Fisher and his assistant, Kathy Dunn, in the Tyler Office. Contact Kathy Dunn for more information.
Clergy Post-Easter Retreat
A clergy retreat at Camp Allen is sometimes offered after the rigors of Holy Week and Easter. Watch for announcements in the Out of the Ordinary.
Respite Retreats
In times of communal crisis or disaster, respite retreats at Camp Allen may be offered for clergy and/or clergy spouses and families. Watch for announcements in the Out of the Ordinary.