Deans of Convocations

Texas has eleven convocations, the head of which, nominated by the bishop and elected by council, is called the “dean.”

A larger geographical entity within the diocese is called a convocation. It is geographic and usually includes one metropolitan area with surrounding counties. Texas has ten convocations, the head of which, nominated by the bishop and elected by council, is called the “dean.” The dean arranges meetings of the convocational clergy to provide fellowship, continuing education, communication, planning and moral support for clergy and their families and to gather lay members to share ideas and projects. Deans are ex-officio members of the Executive Board of the Diocese.

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Bi-Vocational Priests 
The Rev. Paul Skeith, SoCo, Austin

Vocational Deacons 
The Rev. Janet Halstead, Christ Church, Cedar Park

South Region

East Harris, The Rev. Victor Thomas, St. James’, Houston

Galveston, The Rev. Mike Stone, St. Thomas the Apostle (Nassau Bay), Houston 

West Harris, The Rev. Lisa R. Neilson, St. Martin’s, Houston

East Region

Northeast, The Rev. Bill Carroll, Trinity, Longview

San Jacinto, The Rev. William Blake Rider, St. Stephen’s, Huntsville

Southeast, The Rev. James Pevehouse, St. Mark’s, Beaumont

West Region

Austin, The Rev. Eileen O’Brien, St. James’, Austin

Central, The Rev. Daryl Hay, St. Andrew’s, Bryan

Northwest, The Rev. Aaron Zimmerman, St. Alban’s, Waco

Southwest, The Rev. Travis Smith, Holy Comforter, Angleton

North Region

Fort Worth, The Rev. Robert Pace, Trinity, Fort Worth

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