The Episcopal Student Center (ESC) Austin Canterbury Counseling Center, in partnership with Seminary of the Southwest Counseling Education program, is offering free counseling services to any student enrolled in college in the Austin area, and students inside or outside of the Diocese of Texas may also receive services, via the tele-health option. This initiative is fueled by donations.

Established in 2016, the counseling program is robust, secure, and HIPPA-compliant. Students can receive services with no cap or session limit. There is no requirement for affiliation with any faith-based community. All are welcome, the program is inclusive, non-discriminatory, and has an LGBTQIA+ affirming community.
The Austin Canterbury Counseling Center seeks to meet the emotional needs of students. Visit the ESC Counseling Center to learn more, meet counselors, or schedule sessions. The ESC is also currently in the midst of fundraising to sustain this ministry for the long term. A service delivery overview is available here. If you are a mental health professional willing to offer services, please contact Campus Missioner, Travis Helms.