The Discovery Series is an educational program for confirmation preparation as well as continuing Christian formation. It was developed by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and is used throughout The Episcopal Church. Program resources are available without cost in English and Spanish. Video segments may be downloaded or streamed. Facilitator pages and participant pages are available in PDF format for easy download. With detailed instructions included in Facilitator Guide for each video segment, training is not required to employ this resource.
Video Teaching Series in English and Spanish
- Confirmation Classes
- Continuing Christian Formation
- Basics for New Christians
The Discovery Series is designed to help every Christian discover their own path to a life in Christ. The series places a remarkable resource into the hands of all congregations, regardless of their size or available staff.
Five courses provide comprehensive training for Baptism, confirmation, spiritual gifts assessment, discipleship and worship (with instructed Eucharist). The series is an invitation to spiritual growth and lays the groundwork to begin or continue a spiritual journey.
The Discovery Series: A Christian Journey is very flexible. You may structure an hour-long program, several morning-long classes or a weekend retreat to complete the confirmation class from the first 11 segments. Some segments may be used to enhance your current education programs, such as Baptism preparation, adult education programs, prayer, or for your Sunday Christian formation hour.
A facilitator’s video and workbook pages with small group lessons are also included with the series.
No particular training is needed for someone to facilitate the group except preparation for each class. Materials include five courses, a facilitator’s video (how to set up the classroom), and downloadable Facilitator’s/Participants’ pages. Each course has two to four segments (about 15 minutes), each of which is intended to be followed by group work (about 45 minutes), led by a local facilitator, using copies of the Facilitator’s and Participants’ Guide.