Video Teaching Series in English and Español
- Confirmation Classes
- Continuing Christian Formation
- Basics for New Christians
Five video programs, 16 segments
The Path to Episcopal Worship includes an instructed Eucharist, a history of the Episcopal Church and information about the Church’s traditions and governance. It can be shown to newcomers, visitors and life-long Episcopalians to explain the symbolism in our worship and the polity of the Church. Three segments.
I. A Journey of Faith includes basic information about the Bible, the Trinity, the Kingdom of God, who Jesus is, the Creeds and Baptism. The Baptism segment may be used as a stand-alone piece. Four segments.
II. A Path to Spiritual Maturity includes an in-depth discussion about the importance of Bible study and different forms of prayer, both personal and corporate. This video, when combined with courses I and Episcopal Worship, provides training for confirmation that may be completed in 11 one-hour sessions, three afternoon classes or a weekend retreat. Four segments.
III. Our Spiritual Gifts provides a guided tour of assessing spiritual gifts, defining ministers as “all of us” and instilling the importance of personal involvement in ministry, both in and beyond the congregation. Two segments.
IV. The Great Commission shows how our stories are reflections of ancient stories in the Bible and teaches participants how to share their own stories with friends, neighbors and coworkers, making disciples who make disciples. Three segments.