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The Episcopal Faith

Dapibus imperdiet praesent magnis consectetur gravida curabitur sagittis enim magna inceptos sodales parturient pharetra mollis aenean.


Overview of section here lorem primis senectus habitasse lectus donec ultricies tortor fusce morbi volutpat risus curae malesuada.

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Our Churches

The Episcopal Diocese of Texas is a diverse community of believers, following the Episcopal tradition across our 57-county diocese…

Our Schools

Dapibus imperdiet praesent magnis consectetur gravida curabitur sagittis enim magna inceptos sodales parturient pharetra mollis aenean.

About Us

The Episcopal Diocese of Texas is a diverse community of believers, following the Episcopal tradition across our 57-county diocese in the central and eastern portions of Texas, from Houston to Austin, Waco to Tyler and Galveston.

Our parishes are large and small, urban and rural, contemporary and traditional. Let us help you find a worship experience that will be meaningful to you and help you engage in making your community a better place because the Episcopal Church is there.


The Diocese

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are One Church within the Anglican Communion and The Episcopal Church. All are sought and embraced in worship, mission and ministry in a spirit of mutual love and respect.

Explore the Diocesan Vision, Mission and Core Values

The Episcopal Faith

The word “episcopal” refers to governance by bishops. The historic episcopate (bishops) continues the work of the first apostles in the Church: guarding the faith, unity and discipline of the Church, and ordaining men and women to continue Christ’s ministry.  An Episcopalian is a person who belongs to The Episcopal Church, which encompasses churches in the United States and 16 countries. 


The Diocese is governed by the Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America (The Episcopal Church), with authority of the Church in this diocese vested in the bishop diocesan, a Council of elected delegates and clergy and an elected Standing Committee.

The Episcopal Church (TEC)

The Episcopal Church is governed democratically and functions at three main levels of organization: national, diocesan and local. Our national Constitution and Canons (ecclesiastical rules or laws) define the authority of bishops, the structure of the congregations, the responsibilities of priests and deacons, and the worship of the Church.

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